

An Android ear identification app

Using the ear as a biometric Link to heading

Much of society strives to construct an unique and individual personality and some radically change their physical appearance so choosing a robust biometric to identify a human can be a challenge. Finger tips, iris, gait, face among others have been tried, tested and successfully rolled out - each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

In recent years the ear has emerged as a potentially useful biometric to suppliment existing solutions. Ears are more consistant than faces, do not change shape with different expressions or age and remain in a predictable position in the side of a head.

The relative positions of key parts of the ear such as the crus of the helix, the Tragus and the Concha can be used to form a reliable and robust identifier.

A small group of us decided to implement an Android app that can be used to identify people by their ears.


Training Link to heading

The app can auto-detect ears within a frame and can be trained from a single photo of an ear. This process can be described in the following three steps:

  1. We detect an ear using Haar-cascade
  2. We extract and describe ears using Local Binary Patterns (LBP)
  3. We identify ears using Chi-squared test


Managing Ears Link to heading

Ears can be stored and managed on the phone, ready to be identified for the future.


Identifying Link to heading

Simply switch the mode to identify, point and shoot and wait for the identification.


Download Link to heading

Eardentity is officially available in the following places:
